Language-Learner Computer Interactions (book)

This book focuses on learner-computer interactions (LCI) in second language learning environments drawing largely on sociocultural theories of language development. It brings together a rich and varied range of theoretical discussions and applications in order to illustrate the way in which LCI can enrich our comprehension of technology-mediated communication, hence enhancing learners’ digital literacy skills. The book is based on the premise that, in order to fully understand the nature of language and literacy development in digital spaces, researchers and practitioners in linguistics, sciences and engineering need to borrow from each others’ theoretical and practical toolkits. Continue reading

TOEFL® Young Students Series Research Program: Research Grants — 2016 Call for Proposals


The TOEFL® Young Students Series (YSS) Research Grants are intended to support research related to the TOEFL YSS assessments (i.e., the TOEFL® Primary™ and TOEFL Junior® tests) as well as foundational research that promotes high-quality language assessment related to young language learners between ages 8 and 16. This year, priority will be given to proposals that address the topics identified in the research agenda below. Particular preference will be given to validation research on the TOEFL Primary and TOEFL Junior tests. Continue reading

Cross-Language Mediation in Foreign Language Teaching and Testing [BOOK]

stath_bookCross-Language Mediation in Foreign Language Teaching and Testing

Author: Maria Stathopoulou

This book contributes to the growing field of foreign language teaching and testing by shedding light on mediation between languages. Stathopoulou offers an empirically-grounded definition of mediation as a form of translanguaging and offers tools and methods for further research in multilingual testing. The book explores what cross-language mediation entails, what processes and strategies are involved, and the challenges often faced by mediators. Continue reading